April 21, 2011

Every Day Super Heros!!

So it's hard to believe that Calley is here already... and actually 2 weeks old and wasn't due until yesterday!!! We now know what it means to be truly blessed... We thought having each other and a great relationship as husband and wife, best friend and soul mate was wonderful.. but having Calley in our lives takes the cake! We could not be happier with our new baby girl.
I have also come to believe in "Super Hero's", not the ones on TV or in Comic books, or in Movies...no I'm talking about "MOMS"!!! Wow, I've always been one that needs a full 8 hours to truly function for the day and maybe even a nap before supper... it's amazing how the minute she came into this world I could hear, see and smell her every move...and probably only got a total of 8 hours of sleep while staying in the hospital for 4 days... and still manage to complete full sentences and stay awake for the guest coming to visit. Now that we are home... my belief has become stronger.. I do try and sleep while she is sleeping, but also realise that, that is the only time that things can get done around the house!!! So therefore I have be come VERY thankful if I get to sleep a total of 3 hours at a time... (*we celebrate those moments) As for Dad he is a super hero in his own, he took the challenge of changing diapers while we were in the hospital and has carried the task home with him... he calms her with his deep voice and also has learned to function on just a few hours of sleep... needless to say, I don't think you realise the strength you have until you go through that little thing called "Labor and Delivery" so to all the Moms out there... Thank you for allowing me the great pleasure of be coming a "Super Hero" with you!!! - Chelsea

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