June 26, 2013

It's been a while, but I'm BACK!!

     I know it's been a while... okay it's been over a year since I have posted anything! And let me just say it has been a BUSY year!!! First things first! I am officially a stay at home momma! I could not be happier, I left my job May of 2012, and am loving being at home! About 2 weeks after I left my job we found out that we were pregnant!!!!! So it was a nice relaxing pregnancy, haha, no who am I kidding Calley had just turned 1 and was into EVERYTHING! But I was able to be here for the first time she walked!!! That made leaving my job worth it!!! In January we welcomed our second little joy, Mr. Dean!!! He it just perfect! It's crazy I thought the whole pregnancy that I would want another girl, because Cal was so much fun, but now that he is here, the love I have for him is UNREAL! He's my little man, and I now know why they call most guy's (good guy's) momma's boys! Calley is the best big sister too. She is constantly wanting to help feed him or change his diaper! =) it's really cute.
    Since I have been at home I have really taken an interest in cooking, I'm constantly looking for new recipes. My family has always laughed and said I could burn water... but that's not true any more!!! I have to say it's not as hard as I thought. Making good food does not have to be 100 ingredients, it can be really simple! I will say that baking is probably my favorite!! We have a family night once a month with my parents and brother and sister in law, and we get together to eat supper, play games and catch up. That is my excuse for making a new desert!!! I have to say no one has been disappointed yet!!! I think the most favorite was last months desert "key lime cheesecake" it was AWESOME! So as I begin blogging again I will try and post recipes that the family thinks are winners! Happy to be back to blogging!!! Talk to you soon! ~Chelsea

January 7, 2012


I know! I know! I know!!!... 3 months without an update!! Well it has been a VERY busy 3 months let me tell you... Where do I begin, October... We welcomed a new person to the family, (*well she has been a part of the family for quite sometime now but let's just say we made it official) my big brother Cliff got married, Gillian became a "Calley" on October 21st. They had a beautiful wedding in the hills of Austin. my mom cried the whole weekend, I stressed about my Calley making noise during the ceremony... oh and she did! we watched the ceremony from the back...hahaha... but needless to say it was a great weekend with family and old friends, after that we had our first "Trick or Treat" experience Calley was a Cheerleader for Halloween!! and probably the cutest you've ever seen... Then November started the madness of Holiday for me at work... and to make things easier on ourselves, we bought a house!!! Yes I said it, we bought our very own home! We closed on November 11th, just in time for Thanksgiving! It is a beautiful home and we are so happy and excited for spring when we can start landscaping!!! November also started Calley sitting all on her own, and trying to wiggle her way out of your lap and on to bigger and better things...like her toys! December was a whirlwind... I don't know where the time went but it sure did go by fast! Calley got TONS!!! of presents for Christmas, and she loves every one of them... She is now 9 months old and weighs 16lbs. and has figured out how to "really" get into thing... she scotches her self all over the living room on her belly, and moves like crazy in her walker. It's hard to believe time has gone so fast! I look back on the year that we have had and can say we are truly blessed, we have our health, a GREAT family, great friends, a beautiful new home, steady careers, and this little bundle of joy that makes every day worth living for!!!! I hope you all had a happy holiday season and we wish you all the same blessings we have in 2012!!! love the rays!

The new addition





The New House!!!

7 Months old!

on our way to see Santa!!!!

looking at Santa

Merry Christmas!

9 months old!

my first tooth!!! and award winning smile!

October 4, 2011

6 Months Already!!!!

OMG!!! She is 6 Months already!!! well a few days shy..but still, I can't believe it... As you can see things have been a little busy, since I haven't updated y'all in a couple of months. Where we left off Calley was sitting in her chair and cooing, well she is now starting to sit on her own WITHOUT the chair... she is eating solid foods!!! Her favorites are Avocados, Sweet Potato's and Squash! She is reaching for anything and everything! Funny story, we went out to a Mexican restaurant with friends and she was sitting in my lap, next thing I know she has a hand & lap full of cilantro and onions... while I was talking she was playing with my food! haha..We are a little more aware of our surroundings now... she will roll over and be into something before you know it! We are also anticipating my brothers upcoming wedding in a few weeks, HOPING Calley doesn't try and help them with their vows... she is quite vocal when it comes to squealing and "cooing"... We are also on the hunt for our first home!! It has been an exciting adventure thinking that we will soon be home owners! While looking, I love figuring out which room will be Calley's and visualizing our family dinners and get-together there! This is a VERY exciting time in our lives and we are soaking up every minute!!! Until I can write again here are some updated pictures of our pride and joy... Love, The Rays

Keep Austin Weird!

Ready for School!

After her first solid!! (rice cereal)

Ready for a day at the beach!

In the pool, (*her first vacation)

July 5, 2011

How Time Flies!!!

Wow how time flies when your having fun!!! Fun with a baby that is!!! Oh My Gosh I can not explain how exciting the past few months have been. Calley is starting to sit up in her Bumbo AKA her big girl chair....She is also starting that adorable cooing and moking the facing we make!!! We are giving her LOTS of "tummy time" hoping this will get her moble! ha ha... Every morning when I go to get her out of her crib she looks up and gives me the BIGGEST grin... like she knows it momma, hopefully with some breakfast!!! Ours lives are now 110% revalved around this precious little thing... I find myself talking about her to everyone! Even complete strangers!!!... And yes I went back to work... the first week was of course hard.. I cried like a baby everyday, but we do love the daycare that she's going to...which makes things alot easier!!! I still can't wait til the day I can be a stay at home mom.. but until we hit the right 6 numbers or have more income... I will continue working... She really is an amazing baby!!! We are a lucky family! here are some recent pictures of her...
She LOVES bath time!!!

Her "bumbo" AKA big girl chair

Her first 4th of July!

Love you all, The Ray Family

June 7, 2011

2 mOnThS aLrEaDy!!!!!!

So my little lady is already 2 months old! I can't believe it!!! We had her 2 months check up today and she weighs 9.6lbs...almost double her birth weight!!! I think the coolest thing about being a parent has been watching her grow... I love that I'm the only one who can tell you what each cry means... and I know what makes her smile, when she's tired... how she likes to be held.. all her little things that make her Calley Bryn. We could not be happier parents, and can not wait to see her grow even more! Here are a few new pictures of Calley that were takin' this past weekend... (*including the first smiling picture)

June 1, 2011

Career Mom vs. The Stay-at-home-Mom

So the past few weeks my biggest debate has been whether to return to work or stay at home with baby Calley... This is a HUGE debate around our house, my husband would LOVE for me to stay at home and watch her...(*I would love that too) but I think of our finances..I don't want to be eating roman noodles for the next few years.. I know I'm not the only woman that feels this confusion after having a child, but all I keep saying in my head is damn 1972 when women got equal rights in the workplace...hahaha... my PROS are that I have worked really hard the past 4 years to get to where I am today in my career, and that financially we are comfortable, and are hoping to buy a home soon, I want to make sure we can provide for our family without struggle... but the other side (*the CONS) say I don't want anyone else taking care of her... no one can care for her like her momma!! And also I think about her getting sick at a daycare... how often will it happen? and will I have enough time to spend with her once I go back to work... I know what we are going to do and that is I will return to work, but I can't help think of "what if I stay home" I cry every time I think about it... and I know that my life at work is going to change I'm not going to be as available as I used to be...but we will see, I will update you all after my first week back... in the mean time here are some new pics of the precious little one!!!

April 21, 2011

Every Day Super Heros!!

So it's hard to believe that Calley is here already... and actually 2 weeks old and wasn't due until yesterday!!! We now know what it means to be truly blessed... We thought having each other and a great relationship as husband and wife, best friend and soul mate was wonderful.. but having Calley in our lives takes the cake! We could not be happier with our new baby girl.
I have also come to believe in "Super Hero's", not the ones on TV or in Comic books, or in Movies...no I'm talking about "MOMS"!!! Wow, I've always been one that needs a full 8 hours to truly function for the day and maybe even a nap before supper... it's amazing how the minute she came into this world I could hear, see and smell her every move...and probably only got a total of 8 hours of sleep while staying in the hospital for 4 days... and still manage to complete full sentences and stay awake for the guest coming to visit. Now that we are home... my belief has become stronger.. I do try and sleep while she is sleeping, but also realise that, that is the only time that things can get done around the house!!! So therefore I have be come VERY thankful if I get to sleep a total of 3 hours at a time... (*we celebrate those moments) As for Dad he is a super hero in his own, he took the challenge of changing diapers while we were in the hospital and has carried the task home with him... he calms her with his deep voice and also has learned to function on just a few hours of sleep... needless to say, I don't think you realise the strength you have until you go through that little thing called "Labor and Delivery" so to all the Moms out there... Thank you for allowing me the great pleasure of be coming a "Super Hero" with you!!! - Chelsea